
Welcome to the Compass link page!

We hope that this compilation of links will provide you with useful additional information and assist you in exploring topics of your interest further.

We have tried to assemble a great number of links, however, please not that this compilation is not and cannot be comprehensive due to the amount of existing and newly evolving (youth) organizations. If you feel that we missed an organization that could be of interest to others, please go to the "add link" section and add a link to this organization. Please also note that we have attempted to focus on international (youth) organizations. However, we have also included some national organizations. If you feel that a national organization, which might provide valuable information has been excluded, please add a link.

Since Compass is a manual for human rights education with young people, we have separated the links into two sections: youth organizations and other specialized agencies. The general topics parallel the Compass chapters.

We hope this site will prove useful to you. Enjoy!