An A-Z of Actions for the Campaign

A is for action against anti-semitism

B is for being informed

C is for combating oppression, co-operation and caring

D is for diversity and difference

E is for equality

F is for festival, family and friendship

G is for growing

H is for humanity and combating homophobia

I is for intercultural learning

J is for justice

K is for when you keep on trying and don't give up

L is for learning another language

M is for making up your own mind

N is because nobody is perfect

O is for opening your eyes to oppression

P is for participation in your local community

Q is for asking questions and never taking anything for granted

R is for respect for those who are different

S is for starting now and sharing

T is for tolerance

U is for being unique

V is for valuing the difference

W is for working for a fairer world

X is for campaigning against Xenophobia

Y is for the courage to be yourself

Z is for Zebras because you can't tell whether they are black or white

What does the campaign mean to you?

You may like to use this Intercultural A-Z to start discussion or as a guide of things that you can do to work against racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance.

Make an enlarged photocopy to use as a poster and add your own ideas.

Taking action.

What? When? How? Why? Where? Before you act, take a look at the simple steps to activism laid out in "Taking action", chapter 3 of Compass.

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