Intolerance is the opposite of tolerance. People do not tolerate things that are different, for example clothes, musical taste, hair style, religion, sexual orientation and so on. I think those people do not tolerate others that are different
because they don't have the courage to be original. They envy the others and they are not really themselves.

Anna, 19 years, Poland

Section 10


(this selected bibliography lists only those publications that have been referred to and were used to produce Domino).

Abercrombie N.: Penguin Dictionary of Sociology, (second edition), UK - London 1988.

Ahlheim K., Heger B., Kuchinke T.: Argumente gegen den Hass, Band 1 & 2, Arbeitshilfen für die politische Bildung. D - Bonn 1993.

Brammer S., Walker S.: East London and the City Health Promotion. UK - London 1995.

British Red Cross, Holt J., Hope P.: Young people in action with young people. UK - London 1994.

Brundtland G.H.: We must involve young people. Article in Forum, Council of Europe, Strasbourg, May 1993.

Centre for Population Options: Peer to Peer. USA - Washington DC, 1993.

Christlicher Friedensdienst: Was tut der Rassismus uns an? Lese- und Arbeitsheft. CH - Bern 1987.

Clements I., Buczkiewicz M., HEA: Approaches to Peer Led Health Education, A Guide for Youth Workers. UK - London 1993.

Council of Europe: European Charter on the participation of young people in municipal and regional life/Charte européenne de la participation des jeunes à la vie municipale et regionale. Strasbourg, 1992.

Council of Europe: The Vienna Declaration. Vienna/Strasbourg, October 1993.

Council of Europe, Youth Directorate, compiled by Taylor M.: ALIEN 93, Youth Organisation combating racism and xenophobia. F -Strasbourg, 1993.

Faller R., Hahn R., Zeimentz R. (ed): Dem Hass keine Chance. Wie ist die Gewalt zu stoppen? D -Cologne 1993.

Freire P.: Pedagogy for the oppressed. UK- London 1972.

Goodland S.: Learning by Teaching. Community Service Volunteers. UK - London 1979.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies: compiled by Hearty D.: 'What have I done to deserve this?' - Minorities and Human Rights Action pack. CH - Geneva, 1993.

Do you see what I see?' -Youth Education Programme Action Pack. CH - Geneva, 1994.

Jäggi Chr. J.: Rassismus. Ein globales Problem. CH - Zürich, D -Cologne, 1992.

Jansen M., Prokop U., (ed): Fremdenangst und Fremden-feindlichkeit. D - Frankfurt/M., 1993.

Jungk R., Mullert N.R.: Zukunftswerkstätten. 4th edition, D - München 1989.

Kalin W., Moser R. (ed): Migrationen aus der Dritten Welt. Ursachen, Wirkungen, Handlungsmöglichkeiten. (3rd edition). CH - Bern, D - Stuttgart, A -Wien, 1993.

Kreidler W.J.: Creative Conflict Resolution. More than 200 activities for keeping peace in the classroom. USA - Glennview, Illn. 1984.

Kummer I. a.o.: Fremd in der Schweiz. Texte von Ausländern. CH - Muri 1987.

Lancaster J.: Improvements in Education. UK- London, 1805.

Leitch J.: Practical Educationalists and their Systems of Teaching. UK - Glasgow 1876.

Ligue des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge, Organisation Mondiale du Mouvement Scout: Agir avec les jeunes. Manuel de formation sur le SIDA. CH - Geneve 1990.

Manchester University, School of Education: Evaluation of Community Youth Project on HIV/AIDS Health Education Authority. UK - Manchester, n.d..

Marken M., Ritchie N., Youth Work Unit, National Youth Bureau: Recognizing racism and taking steps to combat it. UK - Leicester 1986.

Miller A.: Das Drama des begabten Kindes und die Suche nach dem wahren Selbst. D - Frankfurt/M., 1979.

National Coalition Building Institute: Train the Trainers program for American High Schools. USA -Washington DC 1992.

Otten H., Treuheit W. (ed): Interkulturelles Lernen in Theorie und Praxis. Ein Handbuch für Jugendarbeit und Weiterbildung. D -Opladen, 1994.

Perotti A.: Plaidoyer pour I'interculturel/The case for intercultural education. Council of Europe, Strasbourg 1994.

Pike G. and Selby D.: Global Teacher, Global Learner. Hodder and Stoughton in associaton with the Centre for Global Education, York University. UK - York, n.d..

Pollard (in Wagner L.): History of peer group education, Peer Teaching. Pioneers of popular education. USA -1982.

Rauchfleisch U. (ed): Fremd im Paradies. Migration und Rassismus. CH - Basel 1994.

Ritchie N. and Marken M., Youth Work Unit, National Youth Bureau, Leicester: Recognising racism and taking steps to combat it. UK - Leicester, 1986.

Ulbrich S. (ed): Multikopia. Gedanken zur multikulturellen Gesellschaft. D - Vilsbiburg 1991.

Van den Broeck L.: Hoe zit net nou met wit. NL - Amsterdam 1987. German: Am Ende der Weisheit -Vorurteile überwinden. D - Berlin, 1993.

WAGGGS, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts: Create Peace Worldwide. Education for a changing world. 12 Learning Modules. UK - London 1994.

The Woodcraft Folk Peer Education Project: Manchester Pilot Project, Report and Evaluation by the peer facilitators. UK - Leeds, 1994.

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