Session 8.7

Identifying the different needs of peer educators


An activity designed to allow people to consider the

different types of support and to develop ways of building a network of people concerned with racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and intolerance.


• Flipchart paper

• A4 paper

• Pens


2 -2.5 hours

Group size

15 - 30 people


The fact is that no one is self-sufficient because we all depend on others for certain things. This can be illustrated with a short activity in the large group. Everybody, draw a line down the centre of a A4 paper. At the left side they list the names of

people they need and like to have around them, or make contact with on regular times. Now on the right side, after each name: what sort of support is that person giving to you, why do you need that person, why you like to have contacts with

that person etc.

Ask them to call out all the support and needs other people meet for them (no names), while you write the points on the flipchart. Review the list and try to identify different areas for needs and support.

For example:

• physical needs: food, air, sleep etc.

• care and protection: clothes, shelter, health service etc.

• social needs: security of a community, a feeling of 'belonging' etc.

• personal development: to develop our interests and talents, the need for 'a purpose in life' etc.

Brain-storm all the situations where peer educators are likely to need support. This could be on issues concerning group work leadership, knowledge and activities around Racism. Go through the brain-storm list and ask the people to choose a situation which they would like to discuss more in depth. The people should now work in smaller groups on the situation they have chosen. Ask the group to address the question of what for support in this particular situation is needed and how to realise it. In the large group, ask the small group to feed back all the ideas they shared and list major points about support structures and how they can be organised.


These two activities could open the way for some further exploration in the needs for different kind of support, information or training. The need for support will vary over time for each individual. The peer coach needs the skills to provide that

support flexible and in a variety of ways which should be flexible.

The activity, "Making links" in Compass explores the networks of rights and responsibilities that exist between citizens, the government, NGOs and the media. You may like to do the activity for its own sake, or you may like to use the technique to help you explore your own networks.

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