Thanks are due to all those who have supported this project by sending in materials, circulating information, writing reports of their activities and assisting in many different ways. Apologies for errors or omissions.

Aktionsgemeinschaft für den Frieden, e.V.
Associación Cultural Linares, El Entegro
Asociatia Studenteasca de Lupta Improtriva Rasismului din Romania
Association des états géneraux des étudiants de l'Europe
Bayerischer Jugendring
British Youth Council
Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder e.V. (BdP)
Christian Movement for Peace
Comité National d'Action pour la Paix et le Développement (cnapd)
Cruz Roja Juventud + Equipo Claves
Deutsche Bundesjugendring
Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund Jugend
Council of Europe Minority Youth Committees
Council of European National Youth Committees
European Bahá'i Youth Council
European Committee for Young Farmers and 4H Clubs
European Confederation of Youth Clubs
European Conference of Conscript Organisations
European Coordination Bureau
European Educational Exchanges-Youth for Understanding
European Federation for Intercultural Learning
European Good Templar Youth Federation
European Playworkers Association
European Trade Union Confederation
European Union of Jewish Students
European Young Christian Democrats
European Youth Forest Action
Finnish Youth Co-operation (SNT)
Informations-, Dokumentations- und Aktionszentrum gegen Ausländerfeindlichkeit für eine multikulturelle Zukunft e.V.
International Christian Youth Exchange
International Falcon Movement - Socialist Educational International
International Federation of Liberal and Radical Youth
International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth
International Union of Socialist Youth
International Young Catholic Students - International Movement of Catholic Students
International Young Nature Friends
International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations
Jeunesse et Reconstruction
Jigsaw Youth Theatre, Dudley
JOC España
JOC Wallonne
Jungdemokraten - Junge Linke
Junge Union Deutschlands
Jusos in der SPD
Katholische Jungschar der Diözese Linz
Landsrådet for Norske Ungdomsorganisasjoner
Landsrådet for Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer
Martin Luther King Egyesült
Österreichischer Bundesjugendring
Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsjugend
Pax Christi Youth Forum
Progressive Youth Organisation (BIT)
Red Cross Youth (International)
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Jugendverbände
Service Civil International
Sinistra Giovanile nel PDS
Sosialidemokraattisen Nuorison
SOS Mitmensch
Third World First
Unione Cristiana delle Giovani
UNITED for Intercultural Action
Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder, Mettmann
Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder, Aachen
Westfälisch-Lippische Landjugend e.V.
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
World Organisation of the Scout Movement
World Student Christian Federation
Young Christian Workers
Young European Federalists
Young European Ecologists Federation
Young Mens Christian Association
Young Womens Christian Association
Youth Express Network
Youth for Development and Cooperation
Youth for Exchange and Understanding
Youth for the World
Youth of European Nationalities

Members of the Advisory Committee's Working Group on Racism: Isaac Garson (European Union of Jewish Students); Lieve Vercauteren (International Movement of Catholic Agricultural and Rural Youth); Anneke van Wijngaarden (31 - Netherlands' Committee for International Youth Work) and Thor Gjermund Eriksen (LNU - Norwegian National Youth Council); tutorial support, administration and active encouragement by Antje Rothemund
Advisory Committee EYC and EYF
Governing Board EYC and EYF
Staff of the Youth Directorate
Rui Gomes for translations from Castillian
Jean-Philippe Restoueix for the Filmography
Tina Lazarek for illustrations
Vincente Muscatiello for providing the electronic text
vamr for support

For more advice on international networking, contact: UNITED For Intercultural Action, Postbus 413, NL-1000 AK Amsterdam.

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